The intention behind Our Best PEI Adventure Journal is to inspire and encourage Islanders to get out and explore their own province!

About Our Best PEI Adventure Journal
After Our Best N.S. became an overnight Amazon Best-Seller, I decided to partner with Jessica Stirling to create one for PEI as well! The intention for this journal is to inspire and encourage Islanders to explore their own backyard, and in doing so put money back into their own economy in a time when we need it the most.
Order Your Copy of the PEI ADVENTURE JOURNAL Here!
After a rough year, now is the time to explore your home and rediscover our best PEI. The journal comes with ten family-friendly day trips outlined to inspire you, your own PEI Bucket List, and a place for you to record all the places you check out! It also includes a bonus section where you can create your own resource guide of PEI beaches, hikes, restaurants, and other tourist destinations. The second half of the book is designed for you to record your own adventures and will result in a beautiful book of memories for you to look back on. Order Now!
Giving Back
We personally want to give back to PEI as well, so we will be donating 10% of all profits to Mental Health charity in PEI (TBD), because it’s a cause close to our hearts, and I believe there needs to be more support for mental health offered to people.
Order Your Own Copy of Our Best PEI Adventure Journal
Click HERE to order your copy.
When you get the journal, don’t forget to bring it on your adventures with you, take a picture and use the hashtag #OurBestPEI and tag us on Instagram @settlingforgreat and @lavender_lemon22 so I can share it!!!! Thank you for your support!
If you are interested in finding out more about Our Best NS Journal and how these journals came to be, you can read more about it HERE.